Many COVID cases never get sick
A systematic review suggests at least one third of SARS-CoV-2 infections occur in people who never develop symptoms. Info:
Americans questioned prefer vaccines that are US-made, over 90% effective, and carry a less than 1% risk of minor side effects.
Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines being given in the U.S. are 94% or more effective and carry a risk of minor side effects of much less than one percent.
The Pfizer vaccine is manufactured in Brussels, Belgium, and the Moderna vaccine is manufactured apparently mostly in Switzerland but with some manufactured in Massachusetts.
Vaccines vs Viruses Effectiveness
Vaccine Older **New
Pfizer* 95 Good
Moderna* 95 Good
Johnson&J’n 72 57
Astrazenica 95 62
Novavax 89 50
All of the vaccines are almost totally effective in preventing serious illness including death.
*=2 Doses, **= Newer variants
Inslee: Lewis Co. Phase II but Yakima Co. still Phase I
Gov. Jay Inslee on Jan. 28 announced changes to the state’s economic reopening plan that allows seven counties including Lewis County to move next week into Phase 2, which allows limited indoor dining among other loosening of COVID-19 restrictions.Yakima County remains in Phase I.
SWW Fairgrounds event vaccinated 1300 people
Nearly 1,300 people were vaccinated event Jan. 24 at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds.
You cannot get COVID from the vaccine
You must be exposed to the novel coronavirus to get COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccines being distributed in the United States do not contain any virus particles, so you cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine.
The COVID-19 vaccine cannot alter your DNA
The COVID-19 vaccines cannot alter your DNA, which contains the unique genetic code that makes you “you.” The currently approved COVID-19 vaccines are messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. The mRNA vaccine delivers a “cheat code” to your immune system that shows it how to fight COVID-19.
Saliva test as good as nasophyngeal test
Given the ease of use and good diagnostic performances, these findings suggest that saliva NAAT represents an attractive alternative to nasopharyngeal swab NAAT and may significantly bolster massive testing efforts. One example of home saliva test from Amazon for $110.
Trained students filling need for additional vaccinators in Yakima County
As health organizations across the Yakima Valley work to make vaccines accessible to all who are eligible, local nursing, pharmacy and other students are pitching in to get those vaccines into community members’ arms.
Students at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, Heritage University, Central Washington University and Washington State University, along with retired doctors, nurses, pharmacists, EMT’s and others are involved in the effort. Some are serving as supply runners for health care staff. Others, who are qualified to administer vaccines, are injecting them.
Partly excerpted from Yakima Herald Republic Jan. 24, 2021 by Janelle Retka
You still need the vaccine even if you’ve had COVID-19
Health experts recommend COVID-19 vaccination even for people who’ve survived COVID-19 infection. Although infection likely gives you some immunity to reinfection, no one knows how long that immunity lasts.
The vaccine does not include a microchip
None of the COVID-19 vaccines contains a microchip. This misconception is just plain screwball but seems to have been fueled by a video featuring a vaccine manufacturer that can produce prefilled vaccine syringes with HUGE needles that include microchips for animals.
Ivermectin no longer prohibited for COVID
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has dropped its recommendation against the 45-yr-old inexpensive antiparasitic drug ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19, and the agency now advises it can’t recommend for or against its use, leaving the decision to physicians and their patients.
Ivermectin is an old, cheap medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations including head lice, scabies, roundworms and river blindness. It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.
Ivermectin is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines.[12] Ivermectin is an FDA-approved anti-parasitic agent.
The drug is “safe at relatively high doses, widely available, and relatively cheap, too,” say a group of doctors pushing its use.
“It is important to stress that no one should try to self-medicate with versions of ivermectin that are for veterinary purposes or head lice.” The only safe way to get ivermectin is by prescription from a doctor, he says.
Excerpted from Medscape
If you’re allergic to eggs, the vaccine won’t cause a reaction
Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna COVID-19 vaccines contain egg products, and eggs are not used to produce either vaccine.
The vaccines do not contain aborted fetal cells
The approved vaccines do not contain any fetal cells. During early development of the vaccines, pharmaceutical companies tested the effectiveness of the vaccines in cells that were the descendants of fetal cells obtained from tissue taken during a 1973 elective abortion. No fetal cells are used to manufacture or produce the vaccines. No religious faith has expressed opposition to the COVID-19 vaccines.
Serious reaction to Pfizer only 1 in 100,000
One in 100,000 Pfizer vaccinations results in anaphylaxis, serious allergic reaction, requiring medical treatment. Zero chance of death.
Basic Immune System
For those who might need to be reminded of the basics of our fantastic God-created immune system, as I did, watch these:
The small bowel may serve as a viral entry site
SARS-CoV-2 uses the ACE2 receptor as its main attachment point to invade human cells. ACE2 receptors are present in various tissues including the oropharynx, nose, lungs, kidneys, pancreas and the small bowel. Thus, the small bowel may serve as a viral entry site. Could the infection rate being so uncontrollable by masking, etc., be caused partly by our eating the virus?
You still must wear a mask after you are vaccinated and after you recover from COVID.
It takes time to develop immunity after vaccination, so wearing a mask may protect you from infection while your body develops the antibodies and other substances needed to fight the novel coronavirus. We also don’t know yet if the vaccine can prevent spread of the coronavirus. Vaccination will likely keep you from getting sick with COVID-19, but it’s possible you could get infected with the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and spread it to others.
Surgical masks 80% protection vs homemade masks 50%
A recent study found that surgical masks protect the wearer from influenza virus in droplets and aerosols by an average of 80 percent. Another found that homemade masks protect the wearer by 50 percent against air pollution particles.
Vaccination does not cause infertility or miscarriage.
Reproduction experts encourage those who wish to get pregnant to seek the vaccine.
Hopefully the number of new cases/infections per day
has peaked and is dropping
The new cases number per day apparently peaked on Jan. 7 at 227,970 cases. On Jan. 29 the number of new cases was 164,876.
The U.S. may have funded Wuhan Institute in China to make the coronavirus more lethal

In October 2014, the Obama Administration paused study of SARS viruses that could “make them more risky to humans.” Disregarding the ban, our U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci continued funding the Wuhan Institute Ecohealth Alliance, Inc in 2014 through 2017 at about $600,000 annually.
EcoHealth was paid to “Assess CoV spillover potential at high-risk human-wildlife interfaces in China,” in H5N1 bird flu viruses but got extended to bat virus strain RaBTCOV/4991, which Wuhan had identified as showing most “divergence from human SARS-CoV and could be considered a new strain of CoV’s.”
Virus RaBTCOV/4991 is essentially identical to the COVID-19 strain that got out into the public there and has circulated the world.
China has recently on Feb. 3, 2020 admitted, “We then found that BatCoV RaTG13 in our library —which was previously detected in Rhinolophus affinis (horseshoe bat) from Yunnan province—showed high sequence identity to 2019-nCoV.”
RaTG13 is also so nearly identical to 2019-nCoV that when its sequence is examined, it’s reported as “former lab designation Bat coronavirus Ra4991.”
That virus having then, almost certainly just by simple human error, getting out of the Wuhan Institute lab into the Wuhan public then not being contained there, is entirely China’s fault.
Fauci had said in Dec. 2011, “Important information and insights can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory.”
Partly excerpted and admittedly excessively condensed from Science Magazine the publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Feb. 8, 2019 By Jocelyn Kaiser
Dave Bunting